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Progress towards creating the first neutrino telescope in the Pacific Ocean took another step forward with the project’s instrumentation being shipped to Germany for pre-launch checks.

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Elisa Resconi, who initiated the project for a new high-energy astrophysical neutrino detector in the Pacific Ocean, was elected the first spokesperson of the P-ONE collaboration. The Pacific Ocean Neutrino Telescope is a proposed cubic kilometer scale neutrino telescope to be deployed off the coast…

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Elisa Resconi, speaker of the SFB1258, receives an ERC Advanced Grant for starting a new observatory for cosmic neutrinos. Within the next five years Resconi and her team will develop and deploy the first three strings of P-ONE, the Pacific Ocean Neutrino Experiment.

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Analyses of the STRAW pathfinder data show that the conditions on the seafloor at the ONC node at Cascadia Basin are perfect for a neutrino telescope.

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The “IceCube” neutrino observatory deep in the ice of the South Pole has already brought spectacular new insights into cosmic incidents of extremely high energies. In order to investigate the cosmic origins of elementary particles with even higher energies, Prof. Elisa Resconi from the Technical…

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In partnership with the , Ocean Networks Canada (ONC) installed the pathfinder experiment STRAW (STRings for Absorption length in Water), two 120-meter-long instrument moorings, or “strings,” located 50 meters apart from the Canadian Coast…

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